Vietri Crestarella Beach

2,8 Km from Torreammare

The beach has 70 beach umbrellas with 2 beach loungers per umbrella (max of 3 adults per umbrella) + 50 beach loungers in solarium. When all the loungers are filled further visitors to the beach are no longer allowed, meaning the beach is not very crowded even on peak traffic days. The tower stands on a small rocky promontory, which the Vietri folks refer to as “Il Cannocchiale” (the telescope), the favorite destination of teenagers (and older) looking to try out some more acrobatic dives. Behind the Cannocchiale there’s a pool of water decorated by rocks that form the so called “Vaschette” (bowls), small spaces of water between the rocks, forming a suggestive view that slowly fades towards Salerno.



Marina di Vietri

2,3 Km from Torreammare

The Marina di Vietri is one of the most recent beaches in the whole Amalfi coast. It is almost divided in two by the river Bonea. On one side of the river you’ll find the beach resorts, while on the other side there’s the public beach, available to everyone. It is from this very beach that, thanks to paid transportation via sea, you can visit otherwise unreachable coves.



Marina d’Albori

3,2 Km from Torreammare

In the frazione (fraction) of Vietri, Albori, you will find the Marina d’Albori’s beach. On this small beach you can find a small resort, and the sea is always clean. You can reach it from the state route that goes from Vietri to Cetara, following the 200 steps that will bring you all the way down to the sea, where you’ll find turquoise colored, always crystal clear water.



Marina di Cetara

6 Km from Torreammare

It’s the smallest beach in the town, surrounded by small houses, the fishermen’s harbor and the tower. Next to the town both the beach and the sea tend to be very clean, and the sun stays up all the way to late afternoon. In the same area, the harbor’s beach and Lannio’s beach, appearing right before Cetara if you’re coming from Vietri sul Mare.




7,5 Km from Torreammare

Between Cetara and Maiori and only accessible on foot, Erchie is a small fraction of Maiori with 3 portions of beach. The first one is immediately accessible, while the other two (called Calette) are only reachable via boat. The first Caletta is the biggest, but the sun disappears behind a cliff by 14:30, while the second one is illuminated by the sun all the way to 17:30. A cheap boat will transport you to each caletta.



Maiori and Minori

16,6 Km from Torreammare

In Maiori we find the longest beach on Amalfi’s coast, a whole km of sandy beach with about 15 beach resorts and a long seafront. Minori, on the other hand, has the classic shape of sea towns of Amalfi’s coast, with small roads and squares that descend towards the beach, with a small seafront going around it.




20,7 Km from Torreammare

Before reaching Amalfi you’ll find Atrani’s beach, the smallest city in southern Italy. This beach is also divided in two by the Dragone river, which is completely dry during summer months. Only problem is the limited parking availability, with only 30 spots, which limits the summer weekend parking spots to Atrani residents. We suggest parking in Amalfi and reaching Atrani on foot from there.




21,5 Km from Torreammare

The Marina Grande beach in Amalfi is the biggest beach in the town, which obviously means it’s also the most crowded in the whole Amalfi coast. On this beach you’ll find a lot of beach resorts, but also a small portion of public beach. The Duoglio beach is a km after Amalfi (if you’re coming from Vietri’s direction), and you can reach it throught a long flight of stairs with over 400 steps starting from the state route, but it’s well worth the effort since you’ll be taking a bath in one of the cleanest waters in the whole Amalfi coast. The more comfortable option is the small boat that travels from Amalfi to the various beaches. After Duoglio you’ll find the Santa Croce’s beach, only reachable via sea or boat (either the one from Amalfi’s beach or the ones from the two local restaurants).



Conca dei Marini

25,3 Km from Torreammare

Conca’s beach is located in a beautiful part of the Amalfi coast declared to be part of UNESCO’s world heritage. A beautiful and suggestive gravelly beach, featuring a beautiful, turquoise and crystal clear water, enriched by gravelly depths populated by local fauna, making it an ideal place for swim and snorkeling lovers.




29,5 Km from Torreammare

Praia’s Marina is the lower part of Praiano, only docking port of the antique Plagianum. The beach is between two hills, one of which features a tower that had been used as a defense building in medieval times. The beach has a lot of resorts, night clubs and restaurants to enjoy the view from while tasting the local specialties. From here take place a lot of excursions via boat to visit the rest of the coast.



Fiordo di Furore

27,8 Km from Torreammare

Furore’s fjord (fiordo) is a deep crack in the rock created by a stream called the Schiato, coming down from the border of Agerol’s plateau, a cove in the coast with a shape typical of the coast’s territory. The two sides of the mountain, divided and crossed by the fjord, are connected through a bridge 30m above the ground that is part of the state route , the road that allows you to go through all the towns of the coast, from Vietri sul Mare to Positano. On this bridge, every year, takes plae the worldwide championship of high diving, an event that brings to Furore athletes and champions from all over the world.




40,9 Km from Torreammare

Positano’s Marina Grande is the main beach with a view worthy of a postcard. On this 300m long beach, facing the Li Gialli isles, you can find many beach resorts, restaurants and a club called the Music On The Rocks. Easy to understand why so many Positano folks love this place, along with tourists and vip from all over the Amalfi coast. On the Marina Grande beach you’ll find two beach resorts and a public zone, where you’ll also find the option to embark for excursions and a boat to reach the nearby coves. The Fornillo beach, instead, is the preferred options for people looking for a more silent and calm beach. Arienzo’s beach is also referred to as the “300 steps beach”, referring to the flight of stairs you’ll have to face to reach it. It is also the beach where the sun stays up the longest, thanks to its favorable position towards south-west. It features both a public and a private side, with a resort and services.