Vietri sul Mare is the door to a paradise.
Walking up the marina’s steps you go through all of Vietri’s attractions, with an increasingly vast view of Salerno’s gulf.
This way you can go through the magic of Raito and the cozy Albori before eventually reaching Dragonea, concluding an unique and special road.

2,8 km from Torreammare



Il sentiero degli dei (the gods’ path)

(Excursion from Bomerano to Agerola)
The “Sentiero degli Dei” is the most beautiful and famous excursion path through Amalfi’s coast.
Roughly 600 meters above the sea level, it features amazing views through the whole coast,  the Sorrentine peninsula and capri’s island.
Back to back excursion, starting and concluding at Bomerano (Agerola).

54 km from Torreammare




Il Sentiero del Mediterrano, Costa Cilentana

(from Marina di Camerota to Baia degli Infreschi)

One of the most suggestive routes on the Cilentan coast. A beautiful road that goes through unique places, only reachable by boat or on foot. Starting from Marina di camerota’s port (free parking), in Lentiscelle, where we’ll find our first beach. The route ahead goes up and down, towards Pozallo’s beach at first, and then on Cala Bianca’s beach (voted as the most beautiful beach in Italy in 2013), concluding in Infreschi’s natural port, the ideal place for the season’s last bath. In case of calm waters, a boat will be available for the return trip.

128 km from Torreammare



On the trail of Escher along Amalfi’s coast

A visit to the places along Amalfi’s coast that conquered the heart of the great #Escher. Artist and engraver from the Netherlands. Escher lived in Italy and found inspiration in of the world’s most beautiful places, our very own coast, mainly in #Ravello , #Atrani and #Amalfi . The route (which includes stairs, which became famous in one of Escher’s litographies) starts from Ravello and goes through Italy’s smallest town, Atrani, concluding in Amalfi, with a SITA bus for the return trip.

25,6 km from Torreammare



Il sentiero dei Limoni from Maiori to Minori

Connects Maiori to Minori, going through the colorful town of Torre. Once outside of town you’ll go through the coast’s vegetation, composed of mediterranean scrub, olives and grapevines and, after a few minutes, in beautiful Amalfi lemons terracings facing the sea. The road leading to Minori is almost entirely downhill, going down long flights of steps going through small white houses, lemon groves and fresh courtyards.

20 km from Torreammare



Il sentiero del Principe (the Prince’s path)

Through the roads of Salerno’s center you can walk the path of Prince Arechi II, going all the way up to the top of mount Bonadies to reach the castle of Arechi, fortress of medieval origin. Once arrived, you’ll be able to witness the city from above from one side and, on the other side, Amalfi’s coast in all its glory … Beautiful views make the climb worth it.

4,3 km from Torreammare



Monte Somma’s path

This fascinating back to back route reaches the top of Mount Somma.  Along the way you can see beautiful gorse bushes and breathtaking views of Naples’ gulf.

50,9 km from Torreammare



Vesuvius’ cognoli

This very scenic route witnesses the most beautiful and wild views of the Vesuvius, going through forests, and eventually reaching the lava rock. From Ottaviano, the road goes ahead towards the vulcano. The flora is composed by a pine forest first, and then by a mesophilic forest, featuring chestnut trees, neapolitan alders, neapolitan maples, holm oaks, locusts.

49,7 km from Torreammare



La Valle dell’Inferno (Hell’s valley)

Emotions get more and more intense in this valley, as you walk through roads featuring majestic walls and steeples made of lavic rock. You’ll walk through the valley Along the “cognoli” , and you’ll be able to see, touch and walk into tunnels molded, as if in a fit of rage, from the most recent lava, in “rope” formations, almost as if surprised from its cooling down while flowing. Other enchanting views accompany us along the rest of the way.

49,7 km from Torreammare



Vesuvius’ crater

Going back up the “Gran Cono” (big cone) is an unique feeling, both because of the emotion of walking along the crater of an active vulcano and for the visuals, covering all the way from Campania to Lazio. The main route goes along the western side of the crater’s border, while an alternative path, still under construction, will allow to go all the way around the crater’s circle with a guided tour. The start of the path is right next to the service area at height 1000 in Ercolano. The ticket booth is next to the Imbò shelter roughly 200 meters further below. It is obligatory to go to the ticket booth before entering path n.5. to go through the path you will need the obligatory accompanying of the alpine and volcanologist guides of the Campania region. The climb proceeds smoothly for roughly 800m and offers beautiful views one after another.
The vision is on the valley of the giant, which becomes yellow in spring due to the presence of gorses. The valley separates the great cone from the ancient caldera of the top, featuring the imposing “cognoli” of Sant’Anastasia (1086 mt), Punta del Nasone (1132 mt), all the way to the cognoli of Ottaviano (1112 mt).

51,2 km from Torreammare